Monthly Archives: August 2015

Week 34 

This weeks snazzy pics into my world!!!

  Photo of the Day 17 Inside… Inside our cabin on the P&O Dawn

 Photo of the Day 18 Logo… The World Wildlife Fund panda logo on our tissue box.

  Photo of the Day 19 Hat…. My dad in his good akubra hat.

 Photo of the Day 20 Surprise… A little surprise visitor, not sure if it’s a spider or bug ?!
  Photo of the Day 21 M is for… Mum’s home cooking.

  Photo of the Day 22 Path… The beautiful and peaceful river path which led from the waterfall at the Cascade Falls at Port Villa.

 Photo of the Day 23 Lighting… Lighting the fire pit on a cool winters night equals bliss!!!!

Week 33

More photos of my quirky life   In my hand I’m holding my mum’s mischievous kitty who has just gotten back after being away for 3 days and giving us all a heart attack!

  The technological changes in the form of music.  

This bubba girl was the centre of attention at the vet clinic today as she went through her de sexing and two teeth extractions. They all fell in love with her
  Snuggle time with Mana in the morning 😍💖🐶 She is healing nicely and has had no reaction to her operation yesterday.  Trying this new Moccona coffee for my first cuppa at 8am ☕️. Not bad at all I must say!

 Part of the RSPCA news letter I received. This is why I support our RSPCA, so animals can get a second chance.  
A centre piece from my brother in laws wedding casting a shadow.