Tag Archives: fatmumslim

Week 44

What do we have here? More photos of my world…..🌏🌍🌎

   Photo of the Day #26 V is for…. Vulcan Stone laminex for our new kitchen benches.

 Photo of the Day #27 W is for…. Wyreema State school which is a valued part of our community 👍🏻.

   Photo of the Day #28 X is for… The X-Files, been a fan since I was a 10 year old kid when we used to record on VCR’s, it was always on Wednesday nights 👽💀👻.

 Photo of the Day #29 Y is for…. You! “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and stars, you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should”. One of my favorite sayings on our fridge magnet 💖💖💖💖💖.
   Photo of the Day #30 Z is for…. Zen, getting our zen on! I use this activity at work for the children who have trouble managing their emotions, it works beautifully! It calms them down and gets them to focus…. 

 Photo of the Day #31 One… I’m one very excited chicky as I’ve just ordered my first sets of Jamberry nail applications 😍😱 too many to choose from but I got down to just 3 sets and got to choose a 4th for free, WOOHOOOOOO 🤘🏻😝🤘🏻.

 Photo of the Day #1 Two… A two-tone rose in my mother and father in laws new garden🌸💖.

Week 42

What crazy things did I find for this weeks challenge 😉…  

  Photo of the Day #12 H is for… Our Himalayan salt lamp.

  Photo of the Day #13 I is for… Iced Vo Vo biscuits. Hubby and I were a tad disappointed that they are not what they used to be. 

 Photo of the Day #14 J is for …. A scrumptious yet sinful iced chocolate in a jar.
   Photo of the Day #15 K is for…. Kraken black spiced rum. This was a Father’s Day present given to my lucky father in law.

 Photo of the Day #16 L is for ….. Love hearts on top of the homemade pies hubby made for dinner tonight. He’s such a sweety.   Photo of the Day #17 M is for… Mending my jeans, I’m determined not to chuck them out.

 Photo of the Day #18 N is for… Nibblies! A nice plate of nibbles including pear, blue berries and cheese after dinner.

Week 38

Last weeks photo of the day pictures I took…..    Photo of the Day #14 I’m proud of this…. I’m proud of my husband for supporting me through everything, even if it means getting dressed in disposable surgical scrubs.

  Photo of the Day #15 To my left… My mums fancy new toaster

Photo of the Day #16 To my right… Two furbabies wanting to jump up on the fold out couch with their mumma and papa.

  Photo of the Day #17 I never… I never have seen a double banana like this before.  It was a meal onto itself !

  Photo of the Day #18 My own… Hubby brought me my own bow and arrows, so exciting!

  Photo of the Day #19 Candy… Here in Australia we call them lollies. We usually don’t have lollies in our house unless it’s Halloween 😝 Here are our Halloween jelly eye ball lollies we have every year 🍭

 Photo of the Day #20 Perspective…. A selfie photo taken from Kava’s perspective, that’s Taki’s brother.

Week 36 

Another week of funky snaps 🌸✌🏻️💖….  
Photo of the Day #31 Warm… Here I am warming myself near the fire at my friends backyard party. Had to dress as a rock star, I attempted to go as Stevie Nicks.

 Photo of the Day #1 In my wardrobe….. This friendly fellow lives in my wardrobe until Halloween when he comes out on display.

   Photo of the Day #2 Happiness is….. Spending time with this little guy playing Aunty.

 Photo of the Day #3 Bedtime… This bubba girls bed time.
Photo of the Day #4 My passion… Trying to be positive, making others as well as myself realize the good in the bad, the positive in the negative. This is the hippie in me.

 Photo of the Day #5 Sparkle… Putting some sparkle into hubby’s birthday cake.
 Photo of the Day #6 In the air… The smell of spring.